Sunday, March 25, 2007


At the risk of revealing too much information, yes I did watch Gumby and Pokey as a child. It's odd, that over the past three days, I've seen and/or heard about Gumby three times, once a day since Friday, after many, many years of Gumby oblivion--how weird is that?

It all started Friday, when an MSN contact had a picture of Gumby & Pokey. Saturday, Ms J & I are stopped at lights behind a car, that has a Gumby sticker on the rear window. Tonight, my mom out of the blue, mentions Gumby. Again, how weird is that.

I loved/love Gumby and Pokey, but in all this Gumby-ness, couldn't remember the Gumby theme song, other than the first few words, about a little green slab of clay--Ok did I mention I was a very small child at the time, and may have caught it in syndication????

Anyways, I was compelled to find the Gumby theme song, so I can watch it to my little heart's content, and share it with any other Gumby fans out there. (if you're old enough to remember Gumby)

As I'm typing this, I remember another claymation cartoon from my childhood---anyone remember Davey & Goliath?

Anyone remember Gumby and Pokey? Can anyone explain why Gumby is following me around?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Weird Picture of the Week


Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, your right half of your brain is better developed than most people.
If you find the man between 3 seconds and 1 minute, your right half of the brain is developed normally.
If you find the man between 1 minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein.
If you have not found the man after 3 minutes, the advice is to look for more of this type of exercise to make that part of the brain stronger,
and yes, the man is really there!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Real Deal or Real Steal

Have been attending the accupuncturist/natural medicinist to treat my mom's shingle pain, and had her third visit tonight. So far, it does seem to helping a bit.

Tonight, however, the attention focused on me, with said acc/nm, asking me if I had had a tough day at work, and that I looked VERY tired. This proceeds to being asked to stick out my tongue, and her gasping that I have other problems, serious problems, as she takes me over to the tongue wall chart, and points to a particularly nasty picture of a coated tongue with swirls in it---VERY BAD!

Well, I explain, I did just get over the stomach flu a few days ago. Oh No, your tongue is not displaying a few days worth of problems, but problems you've had for a long time. You need to get your body back in balance or you are in for big trouble.

I have my first appointment with her next Monday night, at $40 a visit. In the fog of big trouble, serious problem, I recall hearing 10 visits. Cha ching $400.

One's health really is priceless, but I sit here wondering, do I really have big problems, or is this a marketing technique?

Friday, March 09, 2007

Glass Paperweights

Here's some of my glass paperweight collection, as requested by Gnat, ranging in price from $2.00 at a flea market for the small yellow, green & red one, to $75.00 for the mauve/gold coloured one. :

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What's Wrong With This Picture??

Since odd pictures seem to generate interest, here's another one for your viewing pleasure...Ms J. has already seen this.
Fill in the Blank:
Make Up $60
Boob Job $6,000
Forgetting to _____________ Priceless

Monday, March 05, 2007


For Jewels & Jin, the cleavage queens!

I'm thinking this girl does not shop at the Dollarama for her bras.

Love the underarm tan line