Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Achilles journey oct 28th

 have been “walking” fairly well in a protected weight bearing setting with the walker.

Remove boot 2-3 times per day to air it out and doing very gentle range of motion exercises.

Took a fall today trying g to catch mom from falling...she has fallen twice in two days.  Yesterday in bathroom, today in bedroom...moved commode there so she could be I’m yelling behind her to wait for me to get there, her wheel gets tangled in the edge of the blanket and down she goes, and me along with her trying to catch her. 

I am so frustrated and worried that she will break something. She just won’t listen...wants no one in bathroom with her and won’t wait for me to go help.  I told her this needs to stop now.

Have ordered another grab bar for bathroom..I hope we both make it through this 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Achilles journey Oct 21st

 Survived week 1 of walking boot...Got clarification from surgeon that protected weight bearing means full weight using crutches or walker.

Having some pain in arch as lack of support in boot has aggravated my plantar fasciitis 

Had a small fall last night overreaching to couch without walker...hit knee and wrist but very poor mom witnessed this.

Boot gets more and more uncomfortable..I wonder if I am tightening too much due to fear.

Trying to do rom a few times a day...feels so good to get it out of boot

Emotionally very taxing experience 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Achilles journey Oct 17th

 So the boot has been on non stop since Tuesday.  Have been doing protected weight bearing with a walker

I had been viewing YouTube videos along with the protocol sheet that the Orthopedic had given me and all seemed to indicate you need to get out of boot a few times a day and do range of motion exercises.   The assistant however, who was very rushed and stressed the day I went, and jammed by foot in so hard I screamed in excruciating pain, told me to pretty much leave boot on at all times otherwise I would have the same pain every time.  He also said you’re NWB but I said no, the dr said Partial weight bearing.

I tried calling Friday ok but they were closed for the weekend, so I could ask about ROM EXERCISES. Was planning on trying again Monday.

today, Saturday, we were driven by our caregiver to go get our flu shots in our gp’s parking lot.  When he came to me, he asked how I was doing, looked at the boot and do know you cant keep that on at all times, take it off during the day periodically and do some rom exercises or your foot will seize up.

Came home and took off boot and did a few rom exercises ...put boot back on no issues, maybe tightened it a bit too much .

How frightening when you are provided with Mis information.  Ortho seems ok..a bit rushed, but his helper shouldn’t be there

Will try to ramp up rom daily exercises

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Achilles Journey

 oct 15th

Started partial weight bearing with a standard walker today...a bit tentative and fearful of putting weight on it but hope to improve every day, and stop using knee scooter

Spoke with family doctor and has advised he wants me off work completely...He doesn’t agree with the non surgical route I’m on.

Ordered and received a leg elevation pillow...seems a bit more comfortable than stack of mish mash pillows I was using before 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Achilles oct 13th

 Cast was removed today and put into a boot..positioning in the boot resulted in excruciating pain.  Will be painful for the next few days

Doctor indicated total tear but no displacement so should heal well

Boot is to stay on at all times, including at night, or I will experience same pain when putting it back on.  I can do protected weight bearing with crutches/walker 

See him again in 4 weeks to have a wedge removed from boot

I am uncomfortable, frustrated and frightened 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Achilles Tear

2020 has been the most unusual year...the year of COVID, the year of quarantine. ON SEPTEMBER 25th,I fell off a stool in the backyard, which i admittedly should not have stood on. Stool toppled and i fell...didnt thunk i hurt myself as i didnt feel anything until i stood up...toes felt numb but no pain. after 4 hours in emergency, was semt home with splint, crutches and appointment with ortho in 2 days....torn achilles. ortho put on hard weight at all.. couldnt manage crutches so bought a knee scooter to get around....its niw been 2 weeks and cast comes off tomorrow be replaced with a boot for 4 or6 weeks. feeling very frustrated and realize how much we take for granted on a daily basis. so thankful for family and friends and co workerswho have brought food, done laundry, cleaned house. Not thankful for loss of control of household.