Saturday, November 28, 2020

Achilles journey nov 28th

 as of Thursday physio advised i sleep without boot and walk in shoes with walker.  Have gone back to Nike air shoes as sketchers didn’t give much support

Going slowly and trying to put little weight on walker as possible.  Also doing 5 minutes on cubii per day. Don’t want to rush things, but also don’t want to lag behind in progress.

Praying for a safe recovery

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Achilles journey nov 24

 feeling positive today.  New Skechers arrived...tried them on....still a bit tight to get sock on but I put them on and was able to stand

Had physio and he made me walk, with the walker, but with the shoes on and I was able to do it.  Did 5 minutes on the bike at seemed like forever lol.

Showed me how to do seated heel,lifts in shoes, and I was able to do it without Assistance.   Need to try to wean off boot..he suggested 1 hour out of boot day 1 and 2 the next and so on

Small small steps, but it seems like a lot of progress to me with 3 physio sessions.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Achilles journey nov 19th

 Well it will be 8 weeks tomorrow since I injured my tendon,  

Saw ortho on nov 9th and he said he didn’t feel a gap and I had a bit of movement on Thompson test...removed 1 wedge with last wedge to come out nov 16th....then can come out of boot week after

Physio started on Tuesday and another session today Thursday.  Had me stand on foot on Tuesday wow scary.  Therapist seems very knowledgeable and patient.   Finally got the sock off after 5 weeks and soaked it in Epsom salts...yuk what came off that foot. 

Have exercise program to do daily at home.  In some pain tonight, but to be expected after this period of time.

Last wedge came out on Tuesday but still using the walker.  Doing my best to weight bear more. Had a bit of a meltdown last night...just getting tired and frustrated...been such an emotional ride.

This weekend he said to try putting shoe on and stand and shift side to side...he said to expect 2-3 months more before regain normal living.  🙏

So the tiny tree went up today, as I’m not able to put up the big tree this year.  I feel so bad that I’m not able to do this, as I know how much my mom loves to see the tree.  She was pleased to at least see something and neighbour called to say the tree looked nice from outside.

Make the best of this..i need to accept this mantra.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Achilles Journey Nov 8th

 at 6 weeks 2 days post injury

Am walking with walker and putting more weight on it

See Ortho tomorrow and am very nervous.  Am I progressing as I should