Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Electrical Issues

Lately, I've had unusally bad luck with electrical appliances and light bulbs.

Got a new TV a few weeks ago, and can no longer change the volume or any settings, and it keeps flashing me a secret code of twenty blinks...not even Panasonic knows what twenty blinks means. So a new one is on its way on Saturday. Fingers crossed and somewhat apprehensive.

Got an electrical tea steeper for Christmas...plugged it in, and it didn't work...just didn't want to heat up or make tea...back it went.

Satellite receiver keeps asking me for a password at a spot where there shouldn't be one.

Light bulbs have been burning out like mad.

I seemed to recall reading something about electrical issues and their meaning in feng shui, (which my friend has been practicing with success) so I looked it up tonight and here's what I found:

Feng Shui Tips

If health issues are the source of your stress:

Evaluate the center part of your home (Refer to the Bagua)
Evaluate the plumbing, electrical and heating/cooling elements of your home and fix any problems.
Plumbing problems are associated with digestive problems
Electrical problems correspond with the bodies neurological system
Heating/cooling system problems represent breathing/lung problems

Funny isn't it...a big source of my stress are neurological health issues, not mine but my mother's, and lately the health issues have been getting worse again, instead of better.

Seems like the house is picking up on the negative energy, and I need to cleanse it, as follows. The other big source of my stress is my work environment, and the escalating pettiness that goes on there. I was especially drawn to number 6, and its description of work environment as a possible source of negative energy carry forward.

I think I'll try this cleansing ritual, and also buy myself a rooster statue for my office. Supposedly, it will ward off pettiness and backstabbing, or if all else fails, I can throw it at them. Serenity NOW!

STEP 1. Clear stale energies from the house.

If you have recently moved, you might be feeling some of the residual energy from past residents. If that's your case, then consider using this technique: open everything that is closed. In short, you should open all doors, all windows, all cabinets, all boxes, anything that is closed should be open.

Then, walking from the front door and in a clockwise pattern, circle each room and go into the next while ringing a bell. Be sure to ring the bell in the corners of rooms and in closets where negative energy can remain trapped. You may want to proceed through the other five steps before closing everything up again.

STEP 2. Use salt to cleanse an area.

Another tip is to use salt to remove negative energies. You can wipe the walls with salt or sprinklel salt into the corners of the room. Be sure to sweep up the salt and throw it into the trash outside of your house.

STEP 3. Feed your ghosts rice.

If you feel extreme negative energy, you can also try sprinkling rice around the perimeter of your home beginning at the front door and walking in a clockwise fashion until you come to the door again. The rice will draw the energy outside and away from the interior of your home.

STEP 4. Scent the air to rid negative energies.

Smoke from incense or from herbs such as lavender for transcending problems or eucalyptus for healing or mint for prosperity. The scents of incense or herbal essential oils are all excellent ways to introduct beneficial energy.

STEP 5. Light and sound.

Light and sound are two very effective "yang" treatments that help to dispel negative energies. Tinkling windchimes and bright crystal rainbows or lit chandeliers are both excellent ways to introduce beneficial -- and cleansing -- energy to your space.

If you have done all five steps, it's time to close up all the doors, windows, cabinets, and drawers, and then proceed to Step 6.

STEP 6. Take a salt bath for yourself.

In the process of cleansing your home, it might also be a good idea to cleanse yourself as well. It is possible that you are bringing negative energy home from work or from the outside world. Soak in a tub with sea salt or make your own sea salt scrub and wash your body in the shower with salt. Salt will purify you and remove negative energies from your body. This is especially helpful if you work in a hostile or gossipy environment and will help you rid the energy from your body


Unknown said...

I'm in! I need to do some of these now too. Funny, we had 3 lightbulbs burn out, our microwave oven died giving off sparks (more like fireworks!), and my stereo died... All electrical... and our health stressors were pretty neurologically based as far as C's concerned... You may have stumbled onto something here... ;)

Hey, guess who stayed over for dinner tonight? Our "group" daughter! LoL!

Not Ashley said...

I figure it can't hurt, so why not give it a try.

jin said...

Those are FANTASTIC ideas.
I do a cleanse at least once every 2 weeks in the shoppe. I use a white sage smudge stick.

Another thing...& I'll just say a tiny bit about this because most people will think it's might have a spirit or 2 trying to 'talk' to you. When they are around your electrics tend to go wacky for no apparent reason. *ESPECIALLY the quickly buring out light bulbs.
Ok, just a thought, anyway.


Not Ashley said...

Thanks Jin...I don't think it's weird. Since my dad died about 10 years ago, the telephone started to ring once every night at around 11:00. It used to be every night, for years, but now just happens every month or so. That I found TV, phone and other appliances going on the fritz, I find really annoying. But you may be right, b'c it sure has gotten my attention.

Unknown said...

Okay dad: BACK AWAY FROM THE T.V.!!!


Not Ashley said...

Yes please...

Unknown said...

Don't you have any other issues than the electrical sort? I need a new post from ya, lady! ;)

jin said...

I'm making my
"Hi, how are ya?"
I hope your pc didn't fizzle out!

How many light bulbs did you go thru this week?

Not Ashley said...

J#1 -Me issues??? Lol! I've had more than my fair share of issues this week! I'll try to come up with something for your reading pleasure.

J#2- Light bulbs have settled down this week, but my cell phone has been misbehaving a bit. I hope a little peace & serenity has come your way.