Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sugar, Sugar

My name is NOT Ashley, and I think I am a sugar addict.

Over the past few months, okay maybe 6 months, I had ever so gradually increased my sugar intake. It happened so slowly, that I didn't notice at first. Monday, I realized that I was ingesting way too much sugar. On that day I had, a piece of pie, a piece of cake with ice cream; two handfuls of Swedish Berries; 6 or & Kraft caramels; the odd piece of chocolate; and a few jelly beans.

My body yelled STOP! Coincidentally, another friend mentioned Monday night, that she was feeling the same way. Something in the air perhaps? We agreed, or she agreed for me, that we would stop all sugar intake. I know I can't do that, so I set myself a more workable goal of reducing it gradually.

In any case, Tuesday was the start of my reduction plan. I didn't do so bad: One Piece of Raisin toast, and half a piece of Lemon Raspberry Cake. (Oddly enough, shared with the cold turkey no sugar friend. LOL!)

Today, so far I haven't done too badly either, but the day's not over yet, and I'm off visiting tonight, so I'm sure I'll have a little something or two.

But No candies in two days....that's a first in a long time for me. Wish me luck in my sugar free quest.


jin said...

I'm afraid I cannot condone your new found sugarless lifestyle.


You disappoint me.

Guess I'll just ship your share to julie then????


and to think I was going to put in some lemon pound cake.

Unknown said...

Oh, crap. Might as well admit that I'm the "other" sugar fiend...

I tried to quit cold turkey, but then found myself 'cheating'. However, I do believe that Jin's all natural ingredients wouldn't have the same adverse effects as all the store-bought, mass-produced shit we've been injesting.

That said, you're more than welcome to send me Maria's share... ;) But I'm so nice, I'd share! LMAO!!!!!

My morning starts with a diuretic tea. All this junk is making me retain about 6 pounds of water!!! (Hence, making me feel fat!)

Not Ashley said...

I said reduction, not elimination.
I know I can't do it cold turkey. I'll just have to spread the goodies over a longer period of time, instead of just eating 2 or 3 biscotti/lemon pound cake at once.


Dan said...

Good for you for cutting out all of that pesky sugar from your diet.

Incidentally, if you're not going to eat that candy, can you FedEx it to me?

Not Ashley said...

My Sugar Fiend Friend:

So long as we cut back a bit, I think we're OK. No sense depriving ourselves totally. LOL!


I'd gladly send it to you, but I'm afraid that if I come in contact with it, my resolve will be gone.

A said...

you should have tried some indian sweets if you've not and see how much sweet it tastes.

Not Ashley said...



I will try some Indian sweets. What do you recommend?