Saturday, May 19, 2007

Extreme Make Over

Wednesday night, I attended the Extreme Make Over night with Jewels & Jaimee. We received instruction on the appropriate methods to utilize if one wishes to perform Belly Dancing on stage. The make up was over the the top, suitable for the Belly Dance stage, and maybe for drag queens and hookers. LOL! It was much, much fun.

Here's a few pics, which I didn't get around to fix the red eyes. Oops.


jin said...

Wow you got some really great shots!!!

This thing looked like

I heard you don't get 'the M n J Sunday funday' today.
But I also heard you got to do it yesterday instead! lol.

That Julie is one sweetheart...did you know she put off her beauty sleep (like she needs any!) to call me on my time...just as I woke up to start my day at 10:30 PM (11:30 your time)?! How cool is that?

I gotta send you 2 a sweetbox you can crash your sugar stoppage plans.

Not Ashley said...


It was a lot of fun - I had a blast. I need to practice a bit more, as I haven't mastered the eyeliner to perfection yet. A Ms. Fancypants, who shall remain nameless, has offerred to come over and practice with me.

M & J Sunday Funday went off a day earlier this weekend, as we got together yesterday. Probably a good thing, since the weather is cold & rainy today, in comparison to yesterday's sunny warmth & our ability to spend some time on Verdana Beach.

She is a sweetheart, and I'm so glad to have met her. She came over yesterday, since my mom was doing poorly, and I was feeling kind of down, so she came & kept me company. She even taught me a new word- pestiferous, which I insisted she had made up, only to be proven wrong. LOL!

The No Sugar phase did not last very long, and I am now making up for lost time & sugar.

Hope all is well with you.

jin said...

*jin runs to*

OH! What a COOL word! I'm using that in a post sometime! LOL...I hadn't heard of it either!?

Sending good vibes to you & your mom!

Hey, here's an idea for a new post in the did you 'n Jewels meet?
(Unless, of course, it would require TMI...then nevermind! LMAO!)

Not Ashley said...

thx for the positive vibes!

About your post idea, and TMI, I'm sure I could come up with something that would have just a little info, but not too much. Actually, since it would be written from my perspective, the TMI might be from J's end and not mine. lol!

Unknown said...

that's right, 'cause on our first 'date', I went all Chatty Kathy on you! LOL!

Oh, and you two! You're so nice to me! Thank you for your kind words. I might be a Sweetheart, but YOU are too!

Not Ashley said...


Speaking of TMI, what's the deal with the "other" TMI? Did I get uninvited?

jin said...

Ohhh....which other TMI?????
You're invited to everything!
*jin racks her brain*
.....did I forget something?

jin said...

Ok...*thinking thinking thinking* this about my private blog? Yes you are invited but I'd need an email address to send the invitation link to.