Saturday, January 20, 2007

Just Five Minutes

Further to the previous blog, I have not yet performed the Feng Shui I've got time for it or anything else.

It was one hell of a week at work, with one meeting after another, and one bullshit crisis after another, to the point that nothing of my own stuff got done. The hell of week continued on this morning, as I went in to work to try to get caught up, and will likely have to do so for the next who knows how many weekends.

From there, I had to rush home, to help Steph do her English and Religion essays, for about 3 hours...English only, as she did Religion on her own. Before settling at home however, I had to drop eggs off at my mother's, as while Libbey had offerred to do so, before she went on her merry way, my mother insisted that no, I could do so on my way home from work. During said homework, mother calls 3 hours, and when I finally call her to say I'll go pick her up, response is well it's about time.

From there, it's make dinner, clean up, answer the odd question from Steph about her homework, answer the many questions about what's going in the stupid movie we're watching- The New World...I don't know what's going on, I haven't seen the movie before, plus everyone seems to be mumbling with a British accent and/or speaking Indian with no subtitles, and the music is too loud. In between, I am fortunate to be able to wash my hair. No laundry, no vacuuming, no grocery shopping, nothing, got done today.

They finally clear out at about 11:30 when the movie ends, and as I look out the window, I notice that the asshole neighbours have placed their trash bin and garbage bags on my lawn for the pick up day which is two days away. I resist the temptation to go and throw everything in their driveway.

After all this, I think maybe I can get a few minutes of downtime at the computer, only to hear...don't you think it's late and maybe you should go to bed because you're so tired? No thanks...I'm not tired, I just need five minutes of peace to myself. Is it too much to ask?

My patience has been slowly leaving me, and I hate to admit it but it's gone totally awol for the past few days.

So here's my five minutes of peace to myself...spent venting....


jin said...

Venting is good!

Funny...I needed to wash my hair tonight but did laundry instead. Geez, not even my OWN laundry.
Ah well...the way I see it:
"I do the grocery shopping. Hence, I can buy all the chocolate that I want & no one will ever know (except you & jewels, now ;-), because I hide it well & eat it fast!"

Sorry you didn't get your Feng Shui done! I know how that is, too...I still haven't done my tarot spread for my was on Sept. 12th!

Not Ashley said...

Your secret is safe with me. I know what you mean about chocolate, as I love dark chocolate--great stress food, along with chips, ice cream, french fries, candy, coffee, diet pepsi,etc, etc. LOL!

Guess I'm not doing so bad with my Feng Shui delay, compared to yours. Life just gets in the way sometimes, doesn't it?

Unknown said...

LoL! Good thing we 'found out' about that Old Navy sale, right? A good way for two good friends to do some power retail therapy, quickly followed by some really greazy food. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Poutine! LoL!

Okay, You, Me, and the Jinster: CHOCOLATE!!!

I know how it is Maria, you can't seem to be able to catch up, and sadly, the one thing we need to catch up with the most, and can't seem to be able to, is ourselves...

Not Ashley said...

Yes it was power or extreme all of about 20 minutes...can't beat 3 pairs of pants and top for $32.00 including taxes, with a good friend to critique, and honestly answer the "Do these make me look fat?

Can't say I've developed a taste for poutine, but the fries with lots of malt vinegar & salt plus the hot dog, was the luncheon of champions. LOL!

The gym & your classes are my sole break.