Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year


Spent the night at home for New Year's Eve, which over the years I've found to be preferable to the forced merriment of organized outings. Made a nice dinner of prime rib, yams, mashed potatoes, green beans and salad. My friend & daughter came over to spend the evening with us.

She brought over some chestnuts, and I had bought some as well, so I ended up roasting a double batch...Chestnuts Roasting in a Closed Oven. (to the music of Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)

Here's the open fire....courtesy of the Fire Log Channel on TV. Not suitable for chestnuts. LoL!

As we sat around peeling them, I stumbled across this one which I called the Moses chestnut, and yes, everyone did think I was nuts!

I should try to sell it on e-bay...if someone will buy a Jesus peroghi, why not a Moses chestnut???

Somehow, Steph decided this one looked like her mother.
Frankly, I don't see it, but then she didn't see Moses in mine.

Anyways, it was an almost quiet night, except for the laughter, and the noisemakers at midnight.

Speaking of which, one of my pet peeves is the fact that the local TV stations, flip to local coverage around midnight. I don't want to see coverage of midnight in Niagara Falls, Toronto, or Buffalo...I want to see the New York Times Square Waterford Crystal (or whatever it's made of now) Ball dropping.

This is an ongoing saga and continues to be a source of entertainment at my expense and rolling of the eyes of guests, as I go through in search of TV listings to make sure I can find NY coverage, and get totally pissed off when I find it, only to have them switch to the ball drop in Buffalo, which has happened more than once. Lo and behold, last night I was happy to see they smartened up, and had a split screen with Times Square on one side and First Night Buffalo on the other (which I ignored.) See, it doesn't take much to amuse me or make me happy.

Happy New Year...may it bring peace, health and prosperity and much laughter!


Unknown said...

Um, not sure I see Moses either... LoL!

Not Ashley said...

So I guess you won't be bidding on the item????????


Unknown said...

Nope! Unless I can turn it into some kind of pendant... Nope, don't think so, LoL! ;)

Not Ashley said...

Now that would be funny....a shellaced chestnut pendant