Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Weekend GetAway

A friend owns a cottage near the beach, which they rent out during the summer months. She decided to invite a few of us over this past weekend, before the renters come in, for the weekend. It was great fun, with lots of food, lots of laughs, and a side trip to the local casino, where we all made donations, as none of us won. Do you know how annoying it is to see the 50 foot high neon THANK YOU sign, as you're leaving the casino after losing, at 2:00 in the morning.

In any case, it was a great getaway, and marked the first time in about 7 months that I was able to spend a night away from home. What a treat that was!

We managed to attend a wedding of a local couple and do a bit of fishing to boot.

Here's the lovely couple

Here's their cake, (not made by Jin)

Here we are fishing after the big rain storm at the cottage.


jin said...

OMG...are you serious or is this one of your:
"I can't believe these photos"

Unknown said...

LMFAO!!! Definitely not made by JIN! ;)

... Oh, and Jin? I think she's pulling our leg!

Not Ashley said...

Tee Hee! It really happened. ;)

Well at least some of it really happened.