Friday, April 06, 2007

My National Geographic Tongue

Further to previous post, I have been attending the Accupuncturist for 2 weeks now. She's concentrated firstly on my neck and shoulders, as I have chronic pain from an old injury, plus from sitting at desk on my computer for hours on end at work. She applies about 7 needles in various places: top of head; back of neck; a couple in my shoulder; a few in my leg; and a few in my arm. Then she applies cupping: small fishbowl shaped glass cups into which she throws a lighted liquid infused piece of gauze, and places on your skin. The heat causes a vacuum and the skin is suctioned into the bowl. After four treatments, I have found that my pain and neck mobility is much better. I have one more treatment to go.

Then, she'll move on to the "body tune-up" treatments. She doesn't like that I look so tired all the time, and she really doesn't like the look of my tongue, which she's determined is geographic, ie. not uniform with different coloured areas, like a map, like this:

This is my geographic tongue. LOL

Apparently, people with geographic tongues, are more predisposed to develop cancer/tumours than people without geographic tongues. Great, this is just what I need to hear in my present frame of mind.

My tune up will provide me with much energy, and help me get over my tiredness, which will be reflected in an improvement in tongue geography. Then again, so would not working so much; and not having to stay home and care take most of the time.

But since the latter is not an option, guess I'll give the accupuncture tune up a try. After the treatment, she promises I will be so energized, and my tired haggard look will disappear, along with tongue circles.

Will keep you posted .


Nabeel said...

Acupuncture is very effective, given the needles are hygienic. Exercise also is a good source of energy and being healthy. Don't just rely on Acupunctures ..

Unknown said...

Nabeel, I can attest to the fact that N.A. is VERY active, and trust me, if she misses too many of my classes, I let her know ;). Right M?

I hope this works for you. Man, those cupping 'hickeys' were bad. I mean, really, really bad! lol! U should photograph those! LMAO!!!

Oh, and BTW: Nice tongue!


Not Ashley said...

Nabeel: Thanks, I will keep up the exercise, even though, it's becoming a little difficult to do so. It helps to have a friend, who is also the instructor, call and give me that little extra push, for the occasions when I don't feel like going.

The "back hickeys" are fading, but I do have a few pictures. Perhaps I shall make you a birthday card with the pics, since you seemed to get such a laugh out of them. LOL!

Oh, and the tongue, is a double-duty pic--geographic and a "take that world"

Whenever you have some time and if you are willing, I'd love some kwaffee talk.

Unknown said...

Right on. Name the time and place Sista! ;)
What a coinkidink bumping into you like that yesterday, eh? How was your tan?

Not Ashley said...

Sorry about the TMI--now wherever would I have picked up the TMI syndrome???????????


Dan said...

Are geographic tongues supposed to look like countries? Yours looks a bit like Australia ... sideways. Hmm ... I suppose, though, that this is true of about 100% of tongues.

jin said...


I wanna come for kwaffee talk and share TMI, toooooo!!!!!


I'll just sit here and eat biscaadi by myself.

Not Ashley said...

dan: Throw another shrimp or meatball (I'm Italian) on the barby mate.


You're more than welcome to come for kwaffee talk and share TMI, with or without biscaadi, but preferably WITH. Just please don't tell me about your sex toys.

jin said...

OMG! Jewels talks about her sex toys????



Not Ashley said...'s not was another one of her friends, who went on at length, and put my TMI-ness into extreme mode.


Anonymous said...

Great post, it's so interesting. By the way my uncle who is always visiting Viagra Online has his tongue pretty weird and too large.
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