Friday, December 01, 2006

Shorts and Boots

After planning on having a relaxing evening of puttering around the house, maybe putting up the tree, or maybe getting ready for the big class trip tomorrow, I found myself instead in shorts and boots in the basement.

After hearing all day about the number of homes flooded thanks to the rain, I walked into mine, and immediately smelled something was amiss. Sure enough, the basement was flooded with about 1-2 inches of water all over about three quarters of it. Thankfully, it was just flooded with water and some dirt, indicating seepage, and not sewage.

Spent about 3 hours vacuuming it up, getting about 8 or 9 shop vacs full. Rugs are drenched, with one large area rug, rolled up and still sitting downstairs, as there no way to lift it sopping wet. Nothing damaged, but a LOT of wet boxes, that had to be unpacked and moved and brought outside, dumping more water as I moved them.

Finally finished and have the dehumidifier and fan and fireplace running to try to dry things off. The whole downstairs will need to be washed down and sanitized, but thought I'd wait a few days, since the ground is so saturated that there's a chance more water will seep in. Who needs to go to the gym to get a work out?

This all between running up & down the stairs, as the patient is having a bad few days, and is moaning and groaning in pain.

I am so looking forward to getting away on our class excursion to see the belly dancers in Toronto, tomorrow.


Unknown said...

OMG! Maria! You poor girl! That must have been way too much work for you, you should have called me, I might have been able to help you!!! Well, the kiddo's at home today too... We're not sure if there will be ANY school this week...

Unknown said...

Oh, BTW: Would it have killed you to take a piccy of you in those shorts and boots????? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Not Ashley said...'re right, I should have, but I was so flustrated (lol) that all I could think of was taking a picture, just in case I needed it for insurance purposes.

That's too bad about the school. And you were right, today is sunny!

jin said...

I've been there...the flooded basement...ugh, it's AWFUL! Hope it's all dried up by now!


Not Ashley said...

Yay! A new visitor. Welcome Jin.

It's all dried up except for one large area rug that's still so wet and so heavy I can't yet move it.

So when do you expect the care package to arrive, so I know for how long I have to kiss up to Ms J, so she'll share????

Just kidding, she's a great sharer, as are most only children, contrary to popular belief.