Thursday, August 10, 2006

Qualifications for the List

My godson Mark, who had the misfortune? of inheriting some of my personality traits, has this great t shirt that says, Everyday I'm forced to add another name to the List of People who've pissed me off.

Today was a good day, since nobody pissed me off.

However, since this is not, unfortunately, an everday occurrence, I decided I'd think about what people do that actually bugs me. Here's what came to mind to start. I will force myself to stop at a reasonable number, as I'm sure I could keep going and going. And yet, I have mellowed as I've grown up, aka gotten older, so the list is a lot shorter than it would've been years ago.

Things people do that will get them on my list of People Who Pissed Me off Today, in no particular order.

  1. Liars
  2. Kiss-Asses to get ahead
  3. People who expect you to kiss their ass.
  4. Two faced back stabbers
  5. Unreliable
  6. Bitchy
  7. Chronically Late
  8. Inconsiderate
  9. Guilt Trippers
  10. Park on my lawn ( see number 8)
  11. Borrow stuff and never give it back, even when you ask.
  12. After taking a year to give stuff back that they've borrowed, ask to borrow it again.
  13. Unfair
  14. Play dumb or stupid to get out of doing things
  15. Steal parking spots that you're waiting for
  16. Cheap
  17. No Sense of Humour
  18. Selfish
  19. Unreasonable expectations
  20. Try to rip you off or take advantage .
  21. Inconsistent
  22. Judgemental
  23. Pompous
  24. etc, TBA

I think I better stop now. LOL


Unknown said...

LMAO!!!! See, I bet you feel better already! Man, I'll have to be careful now, I've been known to fall back on #5, but usually when I'm PMSsing... Also, my peers have encountered #6 around the same time, LOL!!! (No, really, I'll apologize in advance, 'cause I know I do that!)

Miss you Tanbien too (anche?)! ;)
B.T.W. I'll be changing my return date to the 25th. Mom had actually picked my ticket up, but has it scheduled for the 29th!!!! That's just cutting it a bit too close for me. So I'll be coming back on the Friday. Yay!


Not Ashley said...

Well, I've seen you do #6, but not towards me thankfully, but I didn't think you were a #5.

You'll notice I didn't add how many of the qualifications I possess, and there probably are more than two

Unknown said...

Moms who marry men that are younger than their own daughter just made MY list!!!!! (Said 'husband' is close behind...)

Not Ashley said...

Sadly, LOL!

We'll add these to the list for sure.

I'll also add coming back to work after two weeks vacation as another item. Things are crazy here--I still haven't gotten to the bottom of the pile on my desk!

Hope things are satisfactory. (was going to say great, but thought better of it!)

Take Care

Unknown said...

WTH???? I need a new post here woman! I'm bored!

I'm hoping to see my girlies tomorrow, hopefully they won't have any more plans. Might spend the weekend with them as well. We'll see...
Call me, eh? ;)

Not Ashley said...

I just keep missing you on the computer--looks like I missed you by about 15 minutes.--should be better now that I'm hooked up on home..can come on regularly.

Talk to you soon