Thursday, September 07, 2006

Cabin Fever Pity Party

My mom has been sick with shingles for two weeks now, and while the actual external shingles are getting better, the pain and itching seems to be getting worse. You name it we've tried it, from Calamine Lotion, Aveeno Ointment, Aveeno Oatmeal Bath(which we tried today, and it did provide a bit of very short lived relief), Benadryl pills, Benadryl Cream, Buro Sol Solution. Nothing seems to help for very long, and it seems like the magic pill here will be time. It's so difficult for her to endure, and for me to watch her suffer and not be able to really help.

To boot, at the risk of sounding totally selfish, I have Cabin Fever== I want to go out, I want to go the gym, go shopping, go anywhere, but be stuck at home or at work. I've gone into auto pilot mode just to keep going, and I'm afraid I am in desperate need of a break. I was thrilled just to go to Zehr's tonight.

This on top of the latest major crisis at work--the "ladies" are too cold and it's the end of the world and the sky is falling, and we're all going to get pneumonia & die because it's so cold, and I have to hear the story three times from three different people, just in case I didn't hear the first two times...give me a fucking break.

The building design genius put the thermostat in my office, which has a greenhouse bay window, so try to get that temp right so both my office and the rest of the department is comfortable.

Couple that with a bunch of women, who are difficult at the best times, and who are Olympic Champions at Complaining, and who are in various hormonal stages, from post pregnancy to menopause to everything in between.

Yes it's been a long few weeks, and yes I need a break.


Unknown said...

You, Me, Kwawfee Twawk! A'ight? I need it just as much as you do. (read my last post, and you'll understand...)

Not Ashley said...

Left you messages on your post. Hope you're getting me when you feel up to it.
