Monday, October 16, 2006

Ashley Sightings

Today is National Be Kind to Ashley Day, and we shall remember it as such, since today is also somebody's boyfriend's birthday.

Ashleys have been spotted a few times today. Not Ashley crossed over into the Ashley zone, and wore her gym pants inside out for about 45 minutes in the S Factor class, before someone noticed, and ceremoniously announced to the ENTIRE class what I had poor fragile battered ego. How shall I ever recover from this I dare ever show my face in class again

Then went to Canadian Tire to pick up a few things, one of which Tide Cold Liquid, they were sold out of ($4.74 vs regular $6.99). I asked Ashley 1 at the check out, if I could have a rain check. Big problem became what was the code, with Ashley 1 asking Ashley 2 how to get the code. They went to three computers, to try to find it, called the manager on the pager, to see if he remembered it off by heart, and this went on for about 5 minutes. As poor Ashley 1 became flustered, and waited/hoped for me to give up, as she looked at Ashley 2, I said I'll just go get the sticker off the shelf... I got a Duh why didn't I think of that look! Because you are Ashley.

I am Not Ashley, having recovered from a momentary cross over about 20 minutes before. Am I becoming Ashley?????


Unknown said...

Well, it's not MY boyfriend's bday... The turkey was very very good. Chris ate most of it, but the three of shared it. I'm trying to nurse my way back to good healt with some hot tea.

K. time for sleepies!

Not Ashley said...

So glad you all liked it...I wish there would have been more to share with you.

Get better, since I want to talk to you in audio mode, not written mode.