Tuesday, October 17, 2006


This stupid fucker at work, has the nerve to say to me today that I'm his age--56. Or if I'm not his age, I've done a pretty bad job at taking care of myself. You ugly, stupid idiot, did you get dropped on your head as a child, or have your good judgement filter surgically removed?

After that he comes in to my office, because someone told him that perhaps that wasn't an appropriate thing to say, and he tells me he's sorry, but that he meant it as a complement, because "I know so much" . You ugly, stupid, fucking idiot...how can that be a complement? and I may look old to you, but I'm definitely not stupid, and I'm not about to let you off the hook that easily!

Being upper management, I couldn't really tell him what I thought of him, so I gave him the speel about: You cross the line often, and you're going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person, and get yourself in some serious trouble, and you better start thinking about what spouts out of your mouth before you say it. Stupid fuck, just doesn't get and responds, maybe I just gotta stop talking to you women.

This is the same guy, with the don't touch my caulk story. I'd heard stories this week from the big boss, that other staff members had complained about him leering at one of the temps, but he said they'd set him up and encouraged him. Being that the other staff members would really do that, stupid fuck was believed, and big boss tells me the story and makes it like the stupid fuck is the poor innocent victim.

Another girl came up to me afterwards, and said he was bugging her with stories about his Viagra prescription, and way too much information about why he needs it.

Big boss got an earful from me, about this jerk, and that perhaps a policy on appropriate office behaviour is in order.


Unknown said...

What a fucktard! Deffinitely NOT appropriate talk, whether he's addressing a male OR a female. Geez, don't you have a policy on "at the office" behaviour? 56 eh? Prolly hasn't been able to get it up since 1998, that's why he's overcompensating with stories about his viagra...

Not Ashley said...

That's it in a nutshell--Fucktard!