Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Are you for real?

Came across this informative article, which believe it or not, was posted in all seriousness under the heading: Is Work Making You Fat?

After reading this, I've decided it should be filed under: Are you for real? Do I look like my name is really Ashley?

My personal favourite is the Photocopy Machine Workout. Think they missed the boat, and should have called it: How to Look Like a Total Idiot At Work .

Here's the article:

Avoid Office 'Spread'

Desk jobs are sedentary jobs, and sedentary jobs can result in weight gain and muscle atrophy. The answer: Strengthen your muscles while you work. Dr. Frederick Vagnini, director of heart health centres, recommends three on-the-job exercises to get moving without cutting in to work time:

The Desk Workout. To strengthen calf and ab muscles - and to help with your posture - sit up straight and squeeze in your stomach as you lift up on your toes to tighten your calves.
The Phone Workout. Whenever you pick up your phone, stand up at your desk to give your body a stretch and an energy boost. As you talk, one arm can do small circles, which help tone the upper biceps and triceps. Or, if you have a headset (and enough room for your wingspan), try circling both arms.
The Photocopy Machine Workout. When you're copying a big batch of documents, don't just stand there while the machine sorts your reports. Do a set of lunges or march in place to get your blood flowing.


Unknown said...

Well, the sad part is that if I did this at work, I'd look NORMAL!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!

K, I dare you to do the arm circles, but while you do them, hold your middle finger up: You'll be giving the whole office the good 'ole "one finger salute", LOL!!!


Not Ashley said...

Ooo, that sounds like a good plan, but I have my "serenity zone" heart now, so I haven't had to resort to the one finger salute yet.

But then again, you are my fitness instructor, so.....

Unknown said...

Yeah, thanks for the invite there, 'cirque du solei', lol!! ;)

Not Ashley said...

I don't know what you're talking about?????????????

Tee Hee