Monday, October 30, 2006

Bubble Bursting

After waiting for a few weeks for some help from the neurologist, we finally got in today. The visit lasted about 5 minutes, as he pointed out the nerve that's affected from a book- Nerve T12, and then proceeded to tell us that he's seen this many times before, and we can expect it to last a year, and there's nothing he can do.

He was one of those matter of factly doctors, like sorry about your luck, but you're in for a year of pain and misery, nice to meet you and goodbye.

OMG! We both left the office in a state of shock, neither wanting to cry for the other's benefit. This can't go on for a year, as she can't take the constant pain. I'm not sure what to do, but there's got to be something or someone that can help--maybe a naturopath.

After that, I thought a luncheon outing to the Casino might cheer her up, so we went directly there, had a decent lunch and lost a bit of money. More importantly, she got out of the house for about 3 hours.

I came home, and decided it was a great day to get out and cut the grass. After which I brought out my new camera. I should have brought the manual out too, as I couldn't find the digital macro mode, nor how to adjust the aperature settings. Found the former after re-reading the manual, but I haven't figured out how to do the latter.

Veranda Beach in Fall


Unknown said...

Oooh! Those are pretty! You're going to have a great time playing around with that camera.
Are those ground cherries? They look like PUMPKINS!!! LOLOL!!!

Have a spooktacular Halloween!

Unknown said...

Oh, and WTH about your mom, eh? I'm so sorry. Your poor, poor mama. You're right, perhaps a naturopath could help. There has to be SOMETHING that can be done.

Not Ashley said...

Happy Halloween!!!

Is this an official holiday for you? If so, happy holiday.

The little pumpkins are called Chinese Lanterns. They have the same texture as those pouffy rice paper chinese lanterns, hence the name.

The camera should be interesting, as I already want to experiment with different things. Like the very first picture would have looked so much better if I could have opened up the aperature, focused on the weird central floral stalk, and blurred out the background more than it is.

Have a great day, and take pictures in costume