Saturday, November 04, 2006


So after a tough yesterday and night, my mom was determined to go to the cemetery for the annual all souls' day mass.

Here she is getting ready, putting her earrings on, as she can't/won't go anywhere without them.

She did pretty well, and made it through about 2 hours away from home, and then slept most of the afternoon.

Steph spent the day here, with my computer, except for a few brief pauses to do my hair, have lunch and dinner, and call me to come in to see this or that on myspace or limewire.

Finally got to go on the computer after 11:30, and am enjoying the peace and quiet and darkness.

I spent a few moments with my camera, as you can see. Lots more pics, but here's just a few. My stab at coming out of the anonymity shadows, for today anyways.

I'm slowing discovering some cool things that it can do, like give me a tan when I don't really have one. How cool is that??

Considering this is my first digital camera, I continue to be amazed at the possibilities, and the ease at which mistakes can be erased.


Unknown said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! Yup! I like that option as well: DELETE! LOL!

Unknown said...

BTW: I love that pic of you and your mom. You're beautiful! Oh, and which lipstick are you wearing? Your lips look positively 'pillowy'!!!!